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Short Films 

Kristen dislikes most things in life, she is continuously unsatisfied, until she meets a worker that inspires her to change. The change leads her to see the workers she has been oblivious towards, which makes her realize the power she has with just a smile to change their lives, but ultimately she discovers that her own life has been changed. 


I have made this film for my personal project class in November 2015.  Check out my filmmaking process here 











Sometimes we tend to be too judgmental trusting only the appearances of a person, leaving behind the good qualities that we can find in him/her.  Don't be too blinded by judgement.  I worked on "Inked" as the Director, Editor, Concept developer.  



“Timeless” is a short film love story. At his lowest point, a boy meets a girl who changes his life forever, but loses her just as soon as he becomes successful.


I worked on "Timeless" as an Editor/Sound designer.



To what extend would "M" go to gain eternal youth and beauty?


I worked on "Elixir" as the  Lead actress/ story concept developer. Check out my process here

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